Indonesia – Pasific Forum for Development

Many parts of the world continue to face immense challenges in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Pacific, the pandemic has wreaked havoc on countries’ economic growth and social cohesion, hampering the region’s development trajectory and the people’s overall welfare.

These challenges require a cohesive and coordinated response at various levels of society and involving multiple stakeholders. They require a response based on, among others, economic partnership and development cooperation.

Indonesia is committed to contributing positively towards such efforts and to elevate its engagement with the Pacific in a spirit of partnership developed through a consultative, inclusive process with all parties concerned. This is part of Indonesia’s Pacific Elevation vision, as stated by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi during the Pacific Exposition 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand.

In March 2019, Indonesia organized Indonesia-South Pacific Forum (ISPF) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

To further carry the momentum of such efforts, and mindful of the recent challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and its multi-dimensional impact, Indonesia views positively the organizing of a forum to further deepen and broaden discussions on these issues.

Bali 7-8 Desember 2022